Logo Ocalić Pamięć

The "Save the Memory" project is a series of video interviews with witnesses of history from 1939- 1956. It was created to preserve the memories and experiences of the heroes and heroines from this period.

At the beginning of the film. the logos of the Polish History Museum are illustrated, featuring a yellow crown, gray wings, and the letter "P" in red with the Polish flag in the center. Also detailed is the phrase ”Patriotism of Tomorrow” with the letter "P" in black. Underneath these icons, there is a white inscription "Project co-financed by the Museum of Polish History in Warsaw as part of the Patriotism of Tomorrow program."

The main character of this film is Józef Fiszer. He was born in 1925 and died in 2015. He was a scout of the Grey Ranks, a soldier of the Krakow Grom AK Kedyw, and from 1944 was in the Independent Partisan Battalion Skała AK. An 88-year-old man with short, gray hair and a serene expression, framed to his shoulders. He is dressed in a green polo shirt with short sleeves. He is sitting on a chair in the room. Next to him, on a desk, lies a stack of books, with bright curtains in the background, through which daylight seeps.

During the video, he shows materials from his private archive such as school ID cards, photos of his family and fellow underground members.

At the end of the film appears a blackboard with the blue logo of the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow and the white logo of Oskar Schindler's Emalia Factory Lipowa 4. At the bottom is the website address www.ocalicpamiec.mhk.pl and the year of production - 2013.

Józef Fiszer

Ojciec Józefa – Jan Fiszer, naczelnik kanalizacji miejskiej w krakowskich wodociągach, 1946 r., wł. prywatna
Mama Józefa – Franciszka z synami w Józefowie, 1929 r., wł. prywatna
Józef Fiszer (lat 7, klęczy) z bratem Bogusławem (pierwszy z lewej) i kolegami na Salwatorze, 1932 r., wł. prywatna
Józef Fiszer, legitymacja szkolna, Kraków 1939 r., wł. prywatna
Józef Fiszer, legitymacja szkolna, Kraków 1940 r., wł. prywatna
Partyzanci oddziału Grom AK, pierwszy od lewej brat Józefa – Jan Fiszer, 1944 r., wł. prywatna
Partyzanci Gromu i Błyskawicy, 28.05.1939 r., wł. prywatna
Józef Fiszer, 1944 r., wł. prywatna
Partyzanci Samodzielnego Batalionu Skała w marszu na Warszawę, IX 1944 r., wł. prywatna
Józef Fiszer, Kraków lata 50. XX w., wł. prywatna
Jan Fiszer ps. Łęczyc brat Józefa, ok 1939 r., wł. prywatna
Józef Fiszer ze swoimi studentami, lata 70. XX w., wł. prywatna
Józef Fiszer, lata 70. XX w., wł. prywatna
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