Logo Ocalić Pamięć

The "Save the Memory" project is a series of video interviews with witnesses of history from 1939- 1956. It was created to preserve the memories and experiences of the heroes and heroines from this period.

At the beginning of the film. the logos of the Polish History Museum are illustrated, featuring a yellow crown, gray wings, and the letter "P" in red with the Polish flag in the center. Also detailed is the phrase ”Patriotism of Tomorrow” with the letter "P" in black. Underneath these icons, there is a white inscription "Project co-financed by the Museum of Polish History in Warsaw as part of the Patriotism of Tomorrow program."

Then there is information about the protagonist - Jan Jasicki, a student of the clandestine classes, an employee of the Bata company. He is the son of Janina Jasicka, alias "Stara" - a Home Army nurse. After the war, he became an employee of the Bureau of Mining Projects. Former Sailor, skier, photographer, social activist, and journalist.

The man is older, with short, gray hair and light eyes. A portrait from the chest up. He is dressed in a white shirt and black pin-striped suit with a brooch pinned on it. He is sitting on a white chair in a dark room against a maroon curtain.

Throughout the film, she shows footage from her private archive, family photos and documents. At the end of the film appears a blackboard with the blue logo of the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow and the white logo of Oskar Schindler's Emalia Factory Lipowa 4. At the bottom is the website address: www.ocalicpamiec.mhk.pl and the year of production - 2013.

Jan Jasicki

Jan Jasicki z mamą Janiną, Bydgoszcz, 1933 r.
Jan Jasicki z mamą Janiną w ogrodzie botanicznym, Bydgoszcz, ok. 1934 r.
Jan Jasicki z rodzicami Janiną i Józefem na nartach, Kościelisko, 1935/36 r.
Jan Jasicki ze swoją klasą, Kościelisko, 1935/36 r.
Jan Jasicki z mamą Janiną i nauczycielami szkoły, Kościelisko, 1935/36 r.
Jan Jasicki z rodzicami Janiną i Józefem, Kraków, lata 1940–1945
Jan Jasicki z rodziną mieszkającą przy ul. Zarzecze 28, Kraków, lata 1940–1945
Świadectwo szkolne z Polskiej Publicznej Szkoły Powszechnej z roku szkolnego 1940/41, Kraków
Jan Jasicki w Fabryce Bata, Radom, 1943/44 r.
Jan Jasicki w Fabryce Bata, Radom, 1943/44 r.
Jan Jasicki wraz z konwojentami w fabryce Bata, Radom, 1943/44 r.
Jan Jasicki na jachcie Wyga podczas otwarcia sezonu żeglarskiego, Gdynia, 1947 r.
Dyplom instruktora narciarstwa Jana Jasickiego, Zakopane, 1952 r.
Jan Jasicki z żoną Ireną z d. Niewińską, Kraków, 1956 r.
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