About the project
Here you will find priceless witness stories in the form of short films. Each could start with the words: I was, I saw, I experienced, I survived.
Nothing can replace the memories, both good and bad, stored deeply in the souls of those who survived. Time is against us, so hurry to hear their stories...

Józef Fiszer
1925 – 2015

Black and white portrait photo of Józef Fiszer from the 1950s. A middle-aged man, he has gentle facial features, thick, dark eyebrows, and narrow lips. He smiles slightly and looks away from the camera. Only Józef's face is visible in the photo.

Dorota Franaszkowa
née Girtler
1925 – 2021

A black and white portrait photograph of Dorota Franaszkowa. The young woman has soft facial features and prominent cheekbones. She smiles slightly and doesn't look towards the lens. Her hair is pinned up.

Marian Młynarski

Black and white photo of young Marian. A school-aged boy poses for the photo - his face is open and his eyes are squinted. He is dressed in a uniform with a white collar. On his head, he is wearing a flat cap.

Teresa Siedlar-Kołyszko
née Girtler
1929 – 2022

Black and white portrait photograph of fourteen-year-old Teresa Macak, later Siedlar-Kołyszko. The frame includes a bust of a woman. The girl has dark, thick eyebrows, almond-shaped eyes, and full lips. Her light-colored hair is pinned back. She is dressed in a black shirt with small white dots and a transparent ball necklace.

Stanisław Ptak
1921 – 1994

Black and white portrait photograph of twenty-five-year-old Stanislaw. The photo shows his bust. The man has short, slicked-back hair and full lips. He is dressed in a checkered shirt and dark jacket.

Józef Ostafin
1894 – 1947

A black and white portrait photo of a young Józef. The man has his hair pulled back, deep-set eyes, and mustache. He is dressed in a military uniform.

Rena Birnhack
née Wohlfeiler

Black and white portrait photo of young Rena. The woman has her light-colored hair pinned up. She is dressed in a sweater and wearing a pearl necklace. She is not looking straight into the camera.

Niusia (Bronisława) Horowitz-Karakulska

Black and white photo of young Niusia with her daughter Magda, who is a few years old. The photograph includes Niusia's face and a bust of Magda. The woman has short, black, curly hair, dark, defined eyebrows, and a drawn face, framed up to her neck. Next to her is a several-year-old girl with dark, short-cropped hair. She is dressed in a dark uniform, smiling at the lens.

Henryk Meller
1931 – 2023

A black-and-white portrait photograph of about 20-year-old Henry Meller. The man is depicted in portrait form. He has handsome facial features, narrow lips, and rounded eyebrows. His hair is wavy and pulled back. He is dressed in a white shirt with a tie and a dark sweater.

Jan Jasicki

Black and white portrait photo of teenage Jan. He has strongly outlined lips. He is dressed in a dark collar shirt and jacket. He is facing his left semi-profile, not looking straight into the lens.

Bernard Offen

Czarno-białe zdjęcie portretowe młodego mężczyzny. Ujęcie en face, od pasa w górę. Mężczyzna maj krótkie, zaczesane do tyłu włosy, owalną twarz, mocno zarysowaną szczękę, wąskie usta, duże oczy i odstające uszy. Uśmiecha się odsłaniając zęby. Patrzą prosto w obiektyw. Ubrany jest w ciemny garnitur, białą koszule i krawat w dekoracyjne wzory.